You are welcome to contact one of our partner organizations if you have questions about the Partnership for ME.

AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc.
Ballard Center
6 East Chestnut Street, Suite 101
Augusta, ME 04330-5717
Phone: 207-626-3615 or V/TTY: 711
Fax: 207-621-2550

Co-Occurring Collaborative Serving Maine (CCSME)
94 Auburn Street, Suite 110
Portland, ME 04103
Phone: 207-878-6170
Fax: 207-878-6172

Muskie School of Public Service
Center for Learning
12 East Chestnut Street
Augusta, ME 04330
Phone: 207-626-5280
Fax: 207-626-5022
TTY: 207-626-5282